Linux on Ice


A wallpaper where penguins run around a melting Windows logo.

Linux on Ice is a cute and crazy desktop wallpaper created by and for fans of Linux. In this wallpaper you can see, of course, the usual joke about its great competitor: Windows.

In Linux on Ice you'll see many penguins (each of them with a striking resemblance to Tux, the Linux mascot) at the South Pole, all on a block of ice in the middle of the ocean. The fun part is that the block of ice is nothing more and nothing less than the very famous Windows logo, which gradually melts.

This Linux on Ice wallpaper is only available in a size of 800x600.


Linux on Ice related downloads

Windows: We suck more


An ingenious wallpaper of the Linux's Tux sucking on a Windows-inspired drink.

Double Tux


A wallpaper in which you can see Tux, the famous Linux mascot, twice.

Full go camping


A fun wallpaper where Tux and Beastie burn Windows XP on the campfire.

Linux vs Windows


The eternal problem: Linux or Windows?